
 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

May the grace of the Lord be with you.

The greatest temptation humans face is the urge to organize their lives without God, essentially, pushing Him aside.

This rejection of God's presence closes us off, from His grace.
When we shut ourselves off from God, we miss out the fullness and fulfillment that life can offer.

Without openness to God, we'll find ourselves lacking, and unable to overcome various challenges.

Thus, what we truly need is to open up ourselves, to embrace God's grace.

The mistake of our first parents, was that they listened to the voice of evil, rather than God's.

Yet, Jesus, as portrayed in the gospel, turns the tide.

He heals a man who is deaf and unable to speak.

His intimate gestures like, touching the man's ears, spitting, and commanding healing, with the Word "Ephphatha", explain to us, his personal care for us.

Today, the same invitation is extended to each of us: "Ephphatha", be opened.

Whether we're deaf to God's voice or blind to the struggles of those around us, we're called to open our hearts and listen.

If we have been silent, when we should speak God's truth, or offer kindness, it is time to open up, and let our inner voices be heard.

This requires opening our hearts to God's grace, and allowing His healing touch, to free us from inner struggles, so that our energies can flow freely, bringing health and wholeness.

May, we all be open to God's grace, allowing it to transform our lives and bring us closer to Him.


Hello this is Sam, I am Blogger.

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